We explore your financial goals and develop a plan based on when you would like to achieve them. Underlying themes will emerge as the basis for your portfolio management.
We uncover your risk tolerance classification using the following criteria: time horizon, current financial position, answers to custom risk questionnaire. Risk tolerance is the biggest factor in determining your asset allocation in our investment management process.
We want to help you meet all of your financial goals. Our financial plans suggest changes that can be made to your current situation to increase your probability of success. This plan will act as a roadmap for the future. Specific benchmarks will measure success on the path to achieving your goals. We discuss various scenarios to improve your likelihood of success. You will choose the scenario that is most appropriate for you.
We provide daily investment monitoring and regularly review your portfolio with you. We provide each client with several key performance reviews throughout the year. We are always available to discuss current market conditions and any concerns you may have. Please reach out to us with any important life changes, as these often affect your personalized financial plan and investment strategy.
What is uncovered during the portfolio management process helps lead us to your optimal asset allocation. Assets are diversified amongst stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and non-traditional investments. Rebalancing occurs quarterly to maintain your optimal allocation.
Portfolios are diversified, positioned for success regardless of market condition, and have an attractive risk-reward potential. Our key areas of focus include: economic analysis, quantitative analysis, security selection and tactical strategies. We customize portfolios based on tax considerations, liquidity and hedging.
We are committed to protecting the growth we accomplish through both active and passive management strategies. These strategies are based on overall market conditions, as well as your specified investment needs and goals.
We understand that circumstances change, which is why we adjust, rebalance and reallocate your portfolio as necessary per changing marketing conditions and your evolving personal needs. Additionally, we offer monthly market updates to support your investment knowledge and understanding of your strategy as it relates to the current environment. Updates include: asset allocation tactics, economic landscape updates, technical analysis (charting).
10488 W. Centennial
Ste. 302
Littleton, CO 80127
Office: (303) 800-5250
Toll free: (888) 257-8629
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HTA Client Relationship Summary
HTS Client Relationship Summary
Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser. brokercheck.finra.org
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